Number System

A number system is a way of representing numbers using symbols or digits. It provides a consistent method for writing, manipulating, and communicating quantities. Number systems have evolved over time, with different cultures developing their own unique ways of representing numbers.

The most widely used number system today is the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, also known as the decimal system or base-10 system. This system uses ten distinct symbols, called digits, to represent any number. The digits are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

The Hindu-Arabic system is based on the concept of place value, which means that the value of a digit depends on its position within a number. The positions, from right to left, represent units (ones), tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on, with each position having a value ten times greater than the one to its right.

Here’s a brief summary of the main topics we will discuss:

  1. Number System.
  2. Place Value.
  3. Reading and Writing Numbers.
  4. Comparing Numbers.
  5. Rounding and estimating.
  6. Expanded Form.
  7. Roman Numerals.

Happy practicing!🌟

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